Having the first four skills of this blog always along solves many problems, for example if applied to the largest groups of a country and to it's relationships to other countries, and gives lots of room to free life. As far as you all the time in everything follow these, you will probably deserve a high social position in your own country. Learning these does not need travel to Finland. Finnish version http://opisuomalaisuus.blogspot.fi
Saturday, December 21, 2013
The Finnish Wildlife
Finns see nature as a place of harmony and a source ogf enermous wisdom of life. So also the nature in other countries but there predators' role is often emphasized even though in warmth one needs much less food than in cold. So I guess that the difference in the number of predators hunting must be smaller than the difference in the number of predators. Big predators are scarce in Finland because they have been hunted away. While many other countries often take a gun to fight with wildlife, Finns treat wildlife with respect and get peace, harmony and friendliness in return. For example the bear is calles "the king of the forest" and if there is any bear near, people respect it like an honoured owner of the forest and give room to it, so that usually only bears dwelling near human homes with small kids get hunted. Finns see animals as friends and worthy of the same rights as humans according to their understanding and moral. Wildlife is seen as close to the healthy ways of living that bring good life to also humans. That means having senses open, living close to the basic things in human life, having a family, friends, building nest, fetching food, looking, discussing, feeling, reacting, being social, having one's own view, being curious, valuing one's own life especially etc. Like the original life that we meet closest at a summer cottage. Having lived the winter indoors in cities one does not lack city life, work or real rationality. Instead one lacks pleasant contact with the nature which makes also the seasons easier to bear. One longs for life as it should be lived, the original life, which we see as producing great results in good quality thinking and wisdom of life when we look for superior things on these areas of life. With our own understanding a nature hobby seems to be very benefical, since it also gives energy for the work and city life. A summer holiday on a forstry lake shore, swimming and just enjoying the beauty of nature is one of the major highlights of the Finnish year.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Traditional Finnish Art
This is propably a part of the ground of the Finnish way to speak to others: what would be a good wise choise for you in your life, but you can decide all by yourself, completely freely according to the rule "Live and let others live!".
( Famous old Finnish paintings: http://www.ateneum.fi )
Instead of melancholic, Finnish songs reflect the sensations of cool weather and have a rich landscape like view instead of the narrow views that foreign songs typically have. A landscape like vie includes lots of shades kind of like many tunes and is with wisdom of life higher than many foreign songs.
The low tones of Finnsih songs typically refer to profoundity and deep emotions about one's way of life. They make it possible to drag along those with some difficulty and are a cause to the low level of evil in Finnish society.
Famous old Finnish poetry by Eino Leino http://einoleinopoems.blogspot.fi/
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Finnish feelings
Finns also value freedom, liberal-mindedness, feminist values and lots of room for happy life according to emotions. This allows a coexistence in harmony, and so Finnish social relations are not tangles of obligations, cunning and manipulation, but free-willing emotional bonds between like-minded or people who share the same Finnish values that allow a happy liberal-minded society where everybody is free but not allowed to mess with the lives of others. Obedience and hierargies do not exist in the minds of Finns, instead there is a respect for values and for the well-functioning of a free liberal-minded happy society with healthy mind and spirit.
For a Finn thinking is just a helping aid in following one's likings. One is free to live one's life like one likes best and so it is natural to use one's best understanding in choosing what to do and what to avoid doing. But since thinking is a just a helping aid for selfish interests, for the feeling individual, thinking does not obstruct life according to feelings, even though foresight does affect choices when there is some danger to avoid or some benefit to be gained. So Finns are at the same time completely rational with a good picture of the whole and follow all emotions fully but with that picture of the whole world with all their feelings as a part of that picture. Finns talk to each other from the perspective of what are wise choices in life and why: what kind of society we build by our own deeds and values for ourselves to live in and what kind of social life we end up if we make the choices that we started with before further thinking. So each one can choose freely according to their emotions and understanding, but most are wise enough to choose morally ok and in liberal-minded happiness-oriented ways.
The dark autumn and cold winter make one seek for comfort and the coming of spring light and warmer weathers is a relief to all. A shared misfortune of winter cold brings good will and a wish to build better living conditions for all fairly. Like this Finland is called the land of Santa Claus, a land of good will.
Due to the cool climate in which it is best to be active, even sporty, a typical feeling for Finns is joy. Also the rule "Live and let others live" brings room for hobbies etc according to one's likings and so brings lots of joy to one's life. Finns also have lots of wisdom of life about good ways to do things and that too brings joy to action.
Due to the cool climate, fine motorics is easy and effortless for Finns. Since Finns also have, due to the climate and common sense like ways of thinking, a good sense of atmospheres and a good social eye toward Finns, so Finns have high basic skill level and naturally without make-up much of the style that beauty ideals seek: kind of wisdom of ways of living and doing and intelligence and good will in the society and in the world and toward individuals' right to decide freely about their own lives as long as they fit to be parts of the Finnish society, givng room to others to live freely a good life according to their own wishes and their own understanding plus civilized wisdom.
Finns do not consider social sensations and social impressions as feelings but instead as information about what the social situations and persons are like. Generally close relationships mean that one relies on the other one, so it means that one is mcuh less skilled than the other one. But Finns' skill level is good and Finns know how to learn skills and viewpoints from their friendly social contacts. So usually Finns do not have close social relationships but instead very distant but well working because of the rule "Live and let others live". Mostly Finns are fellow citizens, parts of the same society, maybe of same age and gender, and most of all civilized, free and with wisdom of life, responsible too and have a tendency to ponder about life and the world.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Rationally grounded moral (important to learn all over the world)
The traditional Finnish rationally grounded moral is something like this link: http://healthilymoral.blogspot.fi/2011/09/social-skills.html . It bases good moral on the selfishness of individuals and groups. It needs objective thinking with a picture of the whole.
It might help to read also about the so called society agreement http://healthilymoral.blogspot.fi/2013/04/society-agreement.html and https://youtu.be/pDCfgR0TM2M
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In July 2019 I composed this piece of melody about responsibility. But I composed it about a momentary impression about lasting moral, but in practise people have not been so moral, but I think that one can learn something from it anyway.
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3rd of January 2020 "453. Carrying responsibility is a character trait like a value. It means
that one cares important things morally to well when one associates with
such things. But it does not tell whether one associates with such
things or not. And it does not mean any priviledges or rights, such is a
different thing, and neither does it mean such a person having such a