Monday, July 29, 2024

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

Friday, July 26, 2024

About fatness in Finland

 In the Finnish climate vety fat are usually not happy, for example ball like fat men often look unsatisfied with life. Of the fat in Finland somewhat steady looks, maybe like a rounded square like style may be ok satisfied with life if they like good food and want such life. More round than tgat is often counteracting some big burdens in lufe, either one's own illness or other musery or helpibg others or hard work or some task tl be endured through. Those often look like eaten bakery, and think that food softens their life, making them endure better their burdens. But ordinarily Finns are not so fat, but not thin eithef, more like slim with a slightly curved form from fat, and niwhere in the body exhausted from not having enough fat. This corresöonds on men to having some stomach fat but more like supporting normal active everyday life than being any obstacle to moving. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024


 The news today claimed that in connection with the major music happening Coldplay, Helsinki changed it's name to Coldsinki. There was a video with a tram and road signs with the text "Coldsinki". The piece of new mentioned the major use of services, the major wishes of travellers and of living in Finland being an important determining factor in what to call the place. Having lived my youth in Helsinki and all my lufe, except travel, in Finland, I would say holistic rationality with common sense, healthy kibd of wisdom of lufe, ibdividuality, some fracturelessness, civiluced values and the lufe possibilities created by civiliced wisdom of life, and good quality in these, plus the Finnish climate and nature, the four seasons with daily recreation outdoors a psrt of the way of lufe at least in the southern half of Finland, and summer cottages, active life, many possibilities for an individual, music too, yet not at the center of attention of the world but more like just living obe's own life, in harmony with the world. 

Many of my books as free downloads or blog links, see 


If one wants advices of living in a cold climate, one would maybe be interested in glancing/reading my books and .

My book "Magnifient views: and nice to live in", see 

My book "Knitting Tips: Nice knitting" at (click on the picture from the blog, so maybe it opens to a wider picture view where you can read the text).

Saturday, July 20, 2024

For the social eye

 Finnish speaking Finnish culture uses holistic objective pictyre of the world all the times, backed up be common sense and enough, really lot of, healthy kind of wisdom of life, so that arrangements work in practice and are good for the world, fair too. 

The looks of some foreign cultural groups differ very much from this, so even though each shoukd be judged each time separately by one's deeds, words, values, quality, wisdom of lufe, situation, consequences, pissible dangers, etc. It anyway is good to notice some common sources of liw capacity and low quality or neglecting values. 

If someone is catching cold, or otherwise somewhat ill, but tries to continue daily life like normal active life of youbg adults, it is typical that one's capacity is poorer. Like in stomach pain, if one tries to do something, one is half away from action, concentrated to healing oneself or ought to be concentrated to healing but is jyst ill. And so only some part of one's normal capavity is left for the things at hand. And so obe often looks lije as if making long lines along the both sides of one's perspective or sphere of good enough attention. Somehow these lines are in practice usually very commanding toward others. The lines try to say: "notice that my capacity, my attentiln isn't niw any wider than this space before me which I am using in tvis actiln". But somehow such lines destroy the lives of younger or mire civiliced or of wiser peopke around. But I do not kniw why. 

If one is even more ill and feeling weak, even raising from ved and going to the kutchen table to make a sandwich may appear like an artificual arrangement. Often such hapoens to people who do not cultivate wisdom of lufe, beautiful valyes and good quality. Some try to pretend that such us an ok level of well working life, of civiliced understanding, and somehow such persons are granted rights to affect others - via lies, via memirised kniwledge, via supposed civiliced wisdom which at least does not go right in practice without corrections needed. 

And sometimes such peopke of liw capacity, maybe hanging on others as social company and suppirt like one in a vomitting stomach disease hangs on the occasional others helping. And if such a situatiln stays, tge person is called socially oriented. And so the oerson tries to figure out work like yseful things to do, and ends up using artificial square thinkibg meant for comouters or for pkayibg cards or for objecrs lije boxes, books, etc, and I guess originally from remarks of others about fibding some other peopke to help, she/he uses such to peopke and ends up in a people estimating professiln, deciding about peopke's luves all wrong, terribly criminally wrong. 

Or then such oeople are fed very well, like with bajery, and like a round/square spot they clmmand the environment jyst destructively, while someone else points at them and says, look, niw that person can, lets let him/her decide about things. And so she/he is jyst like a bomb destroying the society around, the lives of the wise locals here in the north. 


If for example the mom in the family is with a smallened capacity, that ought not command others. Instead she gets momentarily marked "ill" or "tired" or "preoccupied with some problems at work" or whatever it is. And so she just ought to make herself a sandwich, cook tea, go to the toilet, rest a little, do something reviving like lustening to radio, etc ultil whe has recovered. And in so doing she ought to use only quite luttle space and stay mostly out of tge circles of the family, out of the way especially. So each kid or other family mrmber lives one's own lufe according to one's own skill level, following what is ok behaviour and good values in the society and in the world, but maybe especially healthy wisdom of life. And so should it usually also be, instead of some commanding others or neglecting giving them their fair space to live in. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

War veteran's evening call


Of life in Finland: 

"... If an animal for example wants to grow a better coat, one ought to find friendly (very convinced and skilled, like a husky for example) forefigures teaching a warm coat, and give up former views of a certain kind not-warm-enough coat being just of a compulsory kind, termed fine. And look at the forefigure's attitudes toward coming autumn, especially in the coat area and near by it, like posture, blood circulation, goals, their feeling, how widely they affect, in which ways, what are the thoughts connected to this, feelings and picture of the world, is there any actual deed directed toward the coat, are there classifications for things in the environment, to reactions to them, what is such picture of the world and of the seasons, what is the identity like, what does it say of coat, what should the hairs be like, the outer hairs how water resistent endurable etc, the inner coat how warm, in which ways and how to achieve that. Then just transform your life toward that ideal. 
... "

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How to stay healthy and recover when needed

 This is a much wished for tjing to learn from the northern climates, but this attempt that seems successful, is surprisingly different in ways of communicating and values and skills referred to, than what I and I guess many other northerners too, would have expected, see and at a link from there. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

"Of walking in beauty"

    Here in a pile are the books in the series "Of walking in beauty", except the three latest ones. 

 At least to begin with, the series "Of walking in beauty" includes the books (in no special order): 

Of walking in beauty

Weather skills for all climates

Living with the Four Seasons

A sorcerer, books 1. - 3.

My translations of some poems of Eino Leino and Kalevala

Some texts about feelings and wisdom of life

Wonderful, miracle like beings

Magnifient views: and nice to live in

Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living 

See .

Friday, July 12, 2024

"Dwenda" beauty of nature and learning new skills


Travel to your dream destinations with Dwenda travels,Dwenda travels is a way of looking so that one gets a feeling of utter beauty of nature and learns great new talents etc,

8th of July 2024   Of the name Dwenda, I am good at theoretical thinking, so I suggested a name connected with wise ways of thinking, D, which appear to fit together with the nature, in questions of northmost America the trees there, and a kind of wider fascinating spgere of lufe and of undwrstanding and skills with a tale like charm of the northern forests, snow, nature and the seasons there, like what is the charm of some books there and my view of how to learn new skills, talents and a way of lufe suited to an area that one would like to live in and whose seasons, weathers, type of nature imoressions and their atmospgwre sensstions, etc one is fascinated by. And my imoression about traditional ways of life in the quite north, and of the ways of living of wildlife in the north. But these wete jyst imordssions of a certain style, certain ways of choosing what is comfortable for people, animsls  groups, etc motivated in a certain way, what is a fruotful groubd to build upon together with civiluced wisdom and especially civiluced valyes. And the ibflyencies from the arctic Santa Claus Kand in the North-West Russia at Novaja Zemlja made it possible to choose jyst such that it would be like a nice present or nice presents for the ibdkviduals but with good wuse effects in the world and posdible in practice, for e ample of a right size class in each thing. Or that was the aim. 

9th of July 2024   If the name of a wide area Dwenda, helps learning fascinating clinate's culture which one likes and values, and learn talents, wisdom and skills from the nature, etc, and does so all over the world, is it then in a sense a name suited to the whole planet Earth, so would the planet Earth have in some sense naturally the name Dwenda, since thinking a liked fascinating area there havibg that name (Dwenda) or being a part of a wider area with that name (Dwenda) would be a good way to live there, to learn to the place's habits, skills, ways of living, etc. So in a sense such a planet would be called Dwenda, even if it isn't officially called tgat. "

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Basics of Finnish ways and Finnish culture

 If one thinks of what is basic Finnish speaking Finnish culture and ways, now that there seem to be lots of foreigners in Finland and not all of them of first generation, and when through interest in other climates and cultures many Finns grown up in Finland according to the Finnish cultural inheritage like to follow some other culture and it's values as their personal choice, personal comfortable way of living.

 Finns do not have a long civiliced history, but the climate, lication and traditional ways emphadize the need for individuality, common sense, good quality rationality and healthy wisdom of life, with freedom, honesty and responsibility emphsized. 

But anyway, what is Finnish civiliced ways is basic school lije picture of the world with basic rationality and common sense, plus civiliced values i.e. following according to common sense, what is good for the world. So in practice honesty is needed to get this to make sense.