Thursday, May 18, 2023

About the upbringing of children & of pets


b13.   18th of May 2023   I do not have children of my own but the two companion dogs that I had were really nice characters and even responsible, friendly toward others and with a good understanding and an individual character. In my experience they developed toward where they had been freely, learned on their own but with the support of the livibg environment somewhere near by, like having a higher general skill level because of having been taught some other skill yet doing completely freely, they picked tge areas of life via interest and having gotten personal successes in them, via having talent. They did not respond well to being closely superwised, but were considerate toward others if others explained their views. Mentioning some wisdom once brought good results but trying to solve the same problem always in the same way did not work out. My dogs did not have so good healthy ways of living, so I adviced to look at the atmosphere of trees while on a walk. Only later i learned ghat ghey had looked at every leaf eyc, while my glance only passed by tops of the trees in a second or two. Being considerate toward others was a value of their breeds. It was also taught by letting ghe dog or puppy be freely and by being considerate toward what was good for it and toward it's views and likings, and by telling what wisdom says about being considerate toward others and keeping the world good to live in, and if there was a problem between two dogs, giving them a good picture of the world of where the wise rules go in practice, like each dog left kn peace, have it's own space a minimum of one dog width, when it so longs for, and their momentary needs met by altering the arrangements for the time being. 


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