Monday, May 13, 2024

"About climate characteristics, compared with October rain"

  "  In the news some time ago there was something like a dispute can Israel's Eurovisiln song have the words "October rain". I thought of it as a description of the weathers of Israel being tough and needing extra learning even from those with good weather skills there, like in the middle of autumn in a climate of four seasons. Or that the weathers in Israel feel like slapping with a wet mitten in the face. 

But can it be that many who are interested in Christmas gnome like life would prefer something like the October weathers here being a major current in life, so not so detailed eyesight oriented life in the cold, but instead somewhat October like also in the winter time, with maybe some frost and snow as a skill sometimes but not as a full season. So maybe they would like Germany, France, Hungary and maybe Kazakhstan. And some whose emphazis on bush like way of behaving causes pain and aggression in Finland, are maybe referring to bushes in a so warm climate that it never reaches the coolness of the October rain here in southern Finland. So I guess that October rain is one way to recognize better which climates one likes and belongs to. 


12th of May 2024   But if one does not have weather skills well suited to the climate in Israel, as far as I know, the climate there is deadly, people die in a couple of days and some sooner. The Dead Sea is in Israel, and even though Jerusalem is very famous, it is well known that only some especially interested in Israel can travel there, and also those say that it propably was not a so good idea, since the climate, vegetation etc is so very different there, also culture and religion, ways of livkng, and the times of Jesus really were such a lobg time ago in history, and even a long tine ago ghose were a long time ago. Things advertised as a good time to travel, like a leaf hut celebratiln were without leaves, not much possibilitues for life there even for animals and plants. 

Climates requiring lots of climate skills are often good for people interested in developing and maintaining high skills, since all people there just have to have some interest in skills to stay alive, and for normal life even a very high skill level is needed. And so in connection with high skills places with a difficult climate are often mentioned, since one could learn high skills from some people there, from what they have written or otherwise produced, but at the same time one is warned about the climate, so best to just read some piece of text and live where one likes ghe climate, culture, ways of living, values and skill level. If one is not interested kn so high skills, some milder climate might suit that skill level better, but it maybe advertices itself with other choices of words and with other values emphasized. 

A piece of weather skills advice for the local inhabitants of all or just about all climates, see 

When a child is raised in a climate that very much or absolutely demands some things in weather skills taken fully into account all the time, that typically is arranged via a picture of the world, way of livkng and doing, ways of thinking, basic reactions, values etc, which appear as a kind of culture and area specific style of walking etc outdoors, kind of use of space, body warmth, cooling, moisture, saltiness etc regulation both in the body, near it, in the landscape and in the human contacts snd things done, kind of seriousness typical to that culture, managing to invest more in there important matters. So if you suffer from a lack of weather skills, such culture's thinking perspective might ease life. 




Obs. I am from southern Finland, not suited to so scarce nature as tundra etc.


At least in Finland, woolen clothes, blankets, warm winter blankets, winter clothes, etc are used only against cold. Those are not used to get overly warm or hot. In ordinary room temperature the air typically has some bacterial from living, but not ovarly much. If there is somewhere a feel of dirt or bacteria, that cloth or what ever is washed and dried before it can be used. If it cannot be washed it is thrown away to the outdoors trash. So in Finland some fabric being thick or woolen or kept a lot in hand does not mean it being with bacteria or dirty. But since there naturally is quite little bacteria in this climate, very strong detergents are not used. Instead wash several times with a mild detergent or throw the cloth or dirty blanket away and buy a new one. Simikarly of animals' fur, coats and people's skin.

 Clearly dirty clothes etc are not as warm as clean ones. The effect is like that of somewhat moist. So dirty that those are with bacteria cannot be used, but instead must be washed or thrown away. Similarly ghe skin ought to be clean, warm and dry. A wish for more bacteria is typical to people who like South Europe's climate more, so they ought to move to warmer countries. 

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