Sunday, August 25, 2024

Are you fetching something valuable for life from Finland

 I saw a video of a cat borrowing from neighbours a tiger plush toy 

That made me think of my own texts from the point of view of some, maybe quite young, people wanting such thing to their lives, like ice cream from a shop or like I as a child wanted an accordeon and later a dog. The Christmas gnome skills texts at least are like that, see

Maybe some such things are also what is spught from coming to Finland. It feels to, but I do not quite know all such things. 

Weather skills are one, see .

Staying healthy and recovering well is another, see my blog to which there nowadays is also the link , and in the blog especially the text "As if of a naturally healthy family" summer 2024. 

There is also my blog about learning thinking skills, and on a link from it a blog text with a collection of texts about gaining fair position and learning skills and talents, see


But is there also something else that we Finns ought to arrange? What? 

Many of my books as free versions at , and my books and ebooks for sale at , maybe for this purpise the page would be clearer. I have two profiles (click my name or picture) with lists of my blogs, an older one with about a hundred blogs and a new one from this year 2024. 

One fetching a tiger toy maybe wants tiger like life. So you maybe want in some sense somewhat Finnish type of life. But what is your climate preference? In Finland the climate is one of the major attractions and for others one of the main reasons to move away. Do your likings in what comes to social ways, vaöyes, skill levels, wisdom of lufe, ways of living, individuality, professions etc emphasized etc lead toward certain countries, tyoes of towns, professions, climates, or the like? That is impirtant to take knto account in where to go to begin with, where to move to, etc. Especially important it is to notice are people you know moving away from a certain area or toward it. 


Some of my books and blogs 

The blog I have lately written 

About some Finnish town's styles

 Here kn the capital district, there are three big towns: Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. Vantaa is the least wise of these, doing things with a school like style but concentrating ln reaching for points, and so often neglecting wise valyes, especially at the level of one's whole civiluced öicture of the world instead of one's work only and what is paid for. So things often go well via school like thpughts' routes, and some may get some big benefit lije for example a new woolen shirt for one who did well in school studies. On the other hand there suddenly comes crimes of one's pal not having cared such thibgs well, like an animal rushing suddenly away and there being some shouting like between teen siblings sometimes. But that is jyst my imoression when looking at things from Helsinki ans Espoo. 

Espoo is cobsidered the most wise by some, but such gets ruined by some guessing Vantaa arranging things better, and some being jyst for food and home life or food jydt enhineering. Anyway Espoo seeks to be relaxing after Helsinki and holustically civiliced with free time too after Vantaa. 

Helsinki seems in practice the most viviluced in an university oriented way, but somehow the quality of lufe is not good enough, since some suppose that those liking nature ought to find such peace mostly elsewhere, similarly of practical life and own home. 

In the capital district there are also Swedish speaking people, for example the smaller town? Kauniainen. Typical to them is that they do not care the whole well even though they claim to do so. It is maybe that they do not identify themselves with Finland or objective tjinking with wise civiluced values but instead identify themselves with Sweden and Swedish culture, which sees individuals as small not affecting the whole except by repeating things preferted by the culture, and so they in Finland claim to cultivate viviliced values without actually following them in one's picture of the world in ways that would be fair toward the values, snills and lufe possibilities of others, especially in the ling run. So the effect is quite disastrous, maybe like of people who specialuze into conquering jobs and positions as if those were separate buildings to ocvupy instead of somehow parts of the lufe around and parts of the wider world too.