Here kn the capital district, there are three big towns: Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. Vantaa is the least wise of these, doing things with a school like style but concentrating ln reaching for points, and so often neglecting wise valyes, especially at the level of one's whole civiluced öicture of the world instead of one's work only and what is paid for. So things often go well via school like thpughts' routes, and some may get some big benefit lije for example a new woolen shirt for one who did well in school studies. On the other hand there suddenly comes crimes of one's pal not having cared such thibgs well, like an animal rushing suddenly away and there being some shouting like between teen siblings sometimes. But that is jyst my imoression when looking at things from Helsinki ans Espoo.
Espoo is cobsidered the most wise by some, but such gets ruined by some guessing Vantaa arranging things better, and some being jyst for food and home life or food jydt enhineering. Anyway Espoo seeks to be relaxing after Helsinki and holustically civiliced with free time too after Vantaa.
Helsinki seems in practice the most viviluced in an university oriented way, but somehow the quality of lufe is not good enough, since some suppose that those liking nature ought to find such peace mostly elsewhere, similarly of practical life and own home.
In the capital district there are also Swedish speaking people, for example the smaller town? Kauniainen. Typical to them is that they do not care the whole well even though they claim to do so. It is maybe that they do not identify themselves with Finland or objective tjinking with wise civiluced values but instead identify themselves with Sweden and Swedish culture, which sees individuals as small not affecting the whole except by repeating things preferted by the culture, and so they in Finland claim to cultivate viviliced values without actually following them in one's picture of the world in ways that would be fair toward the values, snills and lufe possibilities of others, especially in the ling run. So the effect is quite disastrous, maybe like of people who specialuze into conquering jobs and positions as if those were separate buildings to ocvupy instead of somehow parts of the lufe around and parts of the wider world too.
17th of December 2024 Of what would be a better name for Helsinki, I came to think of the name "Jackson". But I do not so know of nanes.
I do not know of names. Those seem to go weird and affect in wrong ways, and affect much too much, much too dominatingly and I do not know why. But anyway, maybe in the eyes of the rest of tge world Finns, southern Finland and Finnish clinate woukd be somethkng like Jack, but I guess we ought to have some Finnish version of Jack in the name too. Boys are not always so fair and wise, so some other word than "son" woukd be better. On the other hand there seem to be transvestites mistaken as women, so I guess one often needs to explain things to boys' level too. But more emphazis on healthy wisdom of life would be needed. Women have wisdom of life, it is not the same as a fat transvestite or a quite thin transvestite interested in looks and in misusing women's typical classification to quite the opposite of caring things wisely well for life. So in a sense the name Jack woukd communicate about the need of skills and of supporting the good of the society and of tge world. But does it in practice clmmunicate so? I saw today some video in which maybe boys had been told that Jack could shoot, and so instead of ordinary life it was like an old picture of a fight in a war with xannoons on both sides and lots of soldiers with rifles. So such is one use for skills and ought not be the major rule for ghem. Anyway, Canada and Alaska appear charachterised by ice desert station like situations, kind of people rushing straight without so much enjoyment of the beauty around, without all having skills to avoud freezing injuries, also other kibds of killing present. So that does not sound like Jack style. It is more like caring clunsily for oracticsl natters when a family member is ill but alobg. In southern half of? Finland spring, summer and autumn are above 0C and if one is moticated, it ought to be good for learning wrather skills, which then support also learning winter skills. That is much mire Jack like in style, esoecially when the nature is so sensitive that you need to wish well for it and so it is natyral to wish fairly well for all life, and as such lufe often goes well, if others do not try to lie who is like what.
Additions that come to my mind are thinking, freedom, fairness, nature, individuality, moral, wisdom of life, common sense.
Jack like way of life, is what comes to my mind, but if there in some place some want to kill all, the word "life" maybe does not affect well. Likewise with most names. Tge meanibg chosen ought to be wanted in the world, abd it ought to carry on. In my lufe Christmas gnomes and elves have been a subject I have been stuck to for over 6 years, since tgere is some such demand in the wide world. When I was young, tge studies and rationality seemed to be demanded by others verh mych and continually. So I guess some name ought to be naturally wanted and somehow suit the place, the culture, climate, people abd nature, wisdom of life, etc there. I heard that the name of Peking cones from "pet king" which seems a good form of government if there is wisdom of such.
I guess sone when thinking of choosing names wisely, ended up at "university" i.e. versatile i.e. of many kinds like plant lufe but born of or described by sone common ckass, word, theoretical descriotion that seeks to leave room for life.
But the problem in Finland has been that things go tge oppisite way, away from room for life because some opposibg Finnish values want to dominate, the small scale over large scale.
A name connected with Buddhism I read somewhere, was it a deity, but really fine name: OmRa. I.e. the Buddhist enlightened awareness and good will and happiness, plus the sun god, or something that is pisitive fir lufe and wusdom too so much that it is like a sun, really big nice thing. The Byddhist awareness woukd mean senses open, natyral ways healthy kibd wusdom of lufe according to positive feelings, civiluced wusdom too and good will in the world, natural rhythms of lufe, clmmon sense with a landscape lije holustic view of life, comoassiobate in ut too, kibd of fliwing along the natyral healtht wise ages old lufe.
JackOmRa ?
Here is some news picture from northern Finland but not in Lapland.
18th of December 2024 My books as free versions at
But there is some problem with the name, since today I have eaten more meat than ever before in my life, and not much anything else: a few salted biscuits plus sour milk. ??? 3,5 fried thick sausages plus a quite ordinary but big packet of meatballs. And nothing else. Why ??
Could it connect with the latest food advice I wrote : ordinary Finnish rye dry bread, some butter or margarin upon it plus a thick slice of ordinary cheese.
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