Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Choosing a climate to live in

What the climate is like affects the ways of living. It affects the rythm of life, the types of thinking, the character, the type of pleasantness of living, the type of social contacts, the ways of taking care of things, values, dimesnsions etc. So in a way one's character and wishes, one's values, liked ways determine which climate one ought to live in, since such ways are not possible everywhere. Instead oneought to choose wisely based on what one wishes for and not just guessing based on the atmosphere of some words or thoughts in the original climate.

19.11.2023   This one piece of climate skills of mine seems to suit all climates. Please adapt it to your own climate and culture and ask from someone who likes music, and maybe some motipn, beauty of nature and reads the newspaper or the like there.

W9.   As far as I understand body heat regulation and other bodily regulation and wisdom about states of mknd and of feelings, works best if one has natural kind of sporty and musical muscle tone and postures gotten some view of nsturality from how plants' branches grow toward light, toward better life. Then one can for examole according to the situation tune the thus naturally kept parts of the body toward heating or cooling, do so by paying attention to temoeratures and needs of warmth or cooling, and kind ofcreligiously musically wish and inform those naturally wise parts of the body that they should cool or warm. 
From my text Skills of Christmas gnomes, .

Northern North America, i.e. Alaska and Canada seem concentrated mistly on bearing the winter cold. So instead of many seasons they seem to live as if they had just one or two seasons of the year: a long winter plus some times when the snow has melted but not like a real flourishing season in atmosphere. 

Here in the North Europe there are four seasons of the year and weather skills mean that one ought to spend some time outdoors every day of the year, and since the weathers, time of the year and of the day and the nature vary a lot, there is a multitude of possible weather experiences during the year and of weather skills too. 

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