Saturday, March 2, 2024

About comparing temperatures

 As far as I know, the daily temperatures in different countries are not measured in the same way. In Finland the day's temperature is usually the warmest hour's temperature, which is usually in the afternoon. As far as I know, some warmer climates do not concentrate on the highest but more like daytime average or I do not know how. Also the meaduring equipment may not be calibrated the same way. As far as I know, the measuring equipments and weather reports' temperatures are calibrated so thaat in the same sounding temperature number the ways of living of the locals who are tuned to that climate and intend to stay tuned to jyst where they luve, are alike in style, for example leisurely in the same way. 

16th of April 2024  

 I guess that Finland, Sweden, Norway and maybe Estonia too are countries and places where people tend to think that they choose absolutely these weathers and living with the weathers is an important major part of life here. Maybe so in northern USa states, Cabada, Russia, nirthern Chiba and maybe North Kores and maybe South Korea, but I do not know of that, abd maybe Chile. 

But in Central Europe, Danmark, maybe rest of the Baltic, and more southern USA states, people seem to think that "I just live in this landscape, I could live for example this way like is according to the civiliced culture around here."  

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