Saturday, March 30, 2024

Finnish advices may be in use in very different kinds of places around the world and even by animals

 " Please observe that Finnish ways of thinking and a quite big part of Finnish wisdom of life are well suited for using inside the civiliced picture of the world, with the help of objective thinking and civiliced values, and so such may be in use all over the world, in very different kinds of places, in even in space and among animals. The Finnish daytime temperatures may vary about 60 degrees of Celcius during the year, so also some Finnish climate advices may be in used in very varied kinds of places. So if some advice in Finland or from Finland appears not-so-Finnish in atmosphere of it's effect, it may be that it is in use in for example South-East Asia, and so you have to take a much more local approach to get it work well. But there is also lots of sabotage, malicious deeds and persons disguised as trustworthy traditional Finnish ones. 

From my text 


21.4.2024   In the blog there are at least two weather advices suited to all climates, as far as I know even to Arab countries, but must be local versions of them. In the news there was some time ago about the words of the Eurovisiln song of Israel being disbuted. The lyrics contained the words "October rain" which as far as I understand refers to how tough the weathers of Israel are even to those locals who have good weather skills of living them, kind of tough like needing to take the weather into account very much and maybe tough for the skin or otherwise feeling tough the dryness and saltiness of the air plus hotness, maybe somewhat like continually slapping one in the face by wet mittens, and still in the phace of learning such weather skills even if one tries hard. But my impression was that my weather advices helped a lot. 

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